Saturday, April 17, 2010

Who is Murphy?

Murphy's Law in general says 'If something can go wrong it will go wrong' and a few other laws that fall under or support that premise. I wonder about 'Murphy' and his law.......or wherever or by whoever it REALLY originated (there seems to be some confusion about that). Even though I have grumbled about 'Murphy' on several occasions, when I really think about it I'm so happy I can credit unfortunate occurances to some witty saying. If I couldn't I would have to accept some responsibility of my own (heaven forbid I'm already responsible for enough happenings without being responsible for the occurances that fall under the responsibility of Murphy!).
Regardless of what I think, unfortunate occurances do take place. I wonder in comparison how many happenings occur without a hitch?
If I examine the possibilities (in number) of something going wrong before, during or after any given activity the list could be endless, depending on the complexity of the activity or happening. A further law says however that if one covers & allows for everything that could go wrong (let's say there were five things) then a sixth thing will arise & go wrong and it would be impossible to circumvent this wrong without reversing a fix on one or more of the others. Interesting!
I want a new law...........oh shoot there is's Yhprum's Law and it says "Everything that can work will work.
I want something more foolproof so I think I will coin the law 'Turbo Granny's Law' general it will say "When Murphy's Law comes into play it will be overturned without question". There that should stop Murphy's Law in its tracks.......shouldn't it?


Twilla Boyce said...

So much fun catching up on all the entries I've missed as of late. Sounds like you had a good time in Alberta! It was so good to see you again. Maybe next time, I can meet George. I have spent the entire day in my jammies. I rather enjoy it but when someone comes to the door, I can't help but feel my day has been tainted. I can believe the doctor said this horrible thing to you when you broke your arm. Some doctors are seriously lacking in the bedside manner and don't know how to talk to kids. Murphy's law doesn't stand a chance against "Turbo Granny's law". I like!!!! Ta-ta for now!

Linda J said...

You might be on to something!

So.... for every time there is an occurrence of an unfortunate turn of events it will be upon you to turn them around... now, about that lottery ticket I bought last night...

:)I still believe everything happens for a reason, despite and in spite of poor Murphy.