Sunday, March 10, 2013

Visit with family

On my quick trip home, I got much needed 'hugs 'n hugs 'n hugs' from my little family in Alberta. I miss them so much and wish we lived closer and could visit on week-ends etc.
I stayed at Shelby and Brodie's (it was in the city and was closer to the hospital for visiting my brother); thank you guys for letting me bunk with you; it was wonderful to see you again. Aaron and Diane came to visit two evenings; it was so nice to see them also. We had a good visit and played games; it was great!
Sarah came over to Shelby & Brodie's (also on two evenings); was nice to see her again as well.
Tammy met me in St. Alberta for a visit which was great; it was wonderful to see her again also. 
I'm really sorry I couldn't give you all more notice but circumstances dictated and I had a rush and out before I even realized I had been home to visit.........I missed seeing my 'littlest' grandbaby, Benji(e).....that was disappointing but sometimes 'stuff' happens and there is not a whole lot we can do about the situations we are given.
Oh musn't forget.....I got to have lunch and visit with Joan too. Was so nice to see her again.

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