Friday, June 24, 2011

Nothing Works

"Is this going to be one of those days?" I ask aloud to the room, to the air, to the world, to whomever is listening (which seems to be nobody). I have spent the last three hours rushing about doing chores, trying to reach the goals I have set for myself and it seems I haven't satisfied one single objective, let alone satisfied myself in any meaningful way. I want to get things done, make things happen, but it seems my destiny today is to be frustrated.
I sit for a moment in the big chair beside the window looking out over the back yard, where the leaves are rustling lightly in a small breeze. it took me a while to realize it, but my frustration has forced me into this chair, to sit, to watch, to listen, to just relax a little and think.
I have to review the realities; I have to review these realities often; I continually overlook them (though not intentionally); I get caught up in the bustle of life and trying to force things to go the way I want them to; I inevitably hit roadblocks and brick walls. Once again I remind myself to observe what is going on; there may be answers for me when I am quiet and willing to accept them. Yet again I remind myself that life unfolds exactly as planned; everything is the way it is supposed to be at this very moment; trying to force it to be different will only cause me more frustration.
The discovery I have made is that doing nothing works.
Watching the soft fluffy white clouds high in the sky sets the mood for my moments of nothing. I can imagine floating among those beautiful clouds, weightless and without a care. From my place up there I look at the beauty in my back yard; the rainbow of color created by the blossoms; the little butterfly sitting on the branch; the busy bee collecting pollen, my beautiful family sitting around the fire pit; my special little Mocha running about; the best life partner anyone could wish for; and I had to do nothing to realize these very beautiful pieces of my life.
Important to remember that sometimes nothing works!

(Writing Prompt - Write Well University June 18, 2011)