Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Dare You to Spend the Day in Your Nighty

So give it a try..........I dare you!
Spending the day in my nighty! yes I am......and here I am! (I only wish to look like this) he...he....
Actually, I am spending the day in my nighty but my nighty looks more like the first picture. Nursing a boil, I decided it was more comfortable (& less painful) to be unrestricted by clothing.
................but spending the day in my nighty is proving to be a bit of a challenge. I don't know if you have ever done it or not but I'm finding that I feel very guilty.....keep thinking I need to get dressed and get something done......I just can't be satisfied to sit here 'n I figure I need to be doing something........something; (what is something & what is writing if not something?) Good grief I don't know; I just know I feel like I'm playing hookey or some such foolish thing!
I look out the window to see the sun shining (many days it doesn't shine here) & I scold myself saying "grace, just look at what a beautiful day it is out there & here you are spending the day in your nighty.......wasting it away; for all you know the sun may never shine again!"
Starting over in the corner I see a fuzz ball rolling along the wall & slowly moving its way out into the middle of the floor as Mocha swishes her tail in the air looking questioningly at me. I tell myself "Look at that floor grace, needing a sweeping & the furniture needing a good dusting & here you are spending the day in your nighty.......this house needs cleaning & who knows when you may get a chance to get it done if not today!"
Mocha (nearing the time for her walk) follows my every move (even my eyes) wondering when she can reasonably expect me to get my buns in gear & get her leash, the baggy, my jacket & shoes and get her outside. Another scolding that goes something like this "Just look at Mocha; she needs her walk & here you are spending the day in your nighty........if she doesn't poop today she might be very do you feel when you don't poop?" (As if the sky will fall if she has to go out in the yard on her own for one day!)
The phone rings..........."Good grief grace it is 11:30, the phone is ringing & here you are spending the day in your nighty, what will people think?" The last time I checked our phone wasn't equipped with a camera to let the caller see whether the person answering the phone was clothed or not!
It's lunch time. I'm hungry. What shall I eat? "Good heavens grace it's lunch time and here you are spending the day in your nighty. You had breakfast in your nighty; now you expect to eat lunch in your nighty toooooo?"
Unable to really settle down to write, I think I will watch a bit of TV. On goes the TV to a show about learning to love your body or something. "It's 3:00 in the afternoon and here you are STILL in your nighty grace; you can't watch TV at 3:00 in the afternoon in your nighty for goodness sake!"
Well then, I've struggled through lunch, taken my antibiotices, still can't settle myself down to the fact it's ok to spend the day in my nighty; maybe..........Come on Mocha, let's take a wee bit of a nap. Off we go to the bedroom blanket in hand; I lie down; Mocha cuddles up close & falls asleep immediately; I on the other hand lie awake worried about spending the day in my nighty & thinking about all the things I should have done (if nothing else I could have made cookies).
That's it I could make cookies!! I jump up, go to the kitchen, find my favorite recipe, get out a few of the ingredients, look at the's almost time for George to get home. I really don't have time to make cookies before he gets home plus how can you bake cookies when you are in your nighty? Not to mention the fact that I had spent the whole day in my nighty...........what would George think?.......even though it was he who told me I should take it easy, not get dressed & just spend the day in my nighty.
Whew! What a trying day!
Have you ever spent the whole day in your nighty? I dare you to give it a try!


Linda J said...

Give her a break and she goes great guns once she's back to the blogging! Very funny Grace and it is a dare that some of us need to take seriously did you ever get dressed or just slid into bed when the time came?

Hilarious! Thanks for a chuckle to brighten the day...unfortunately, I'm at work and the nightly might be frowned upon... lol

Turbo Granny said...

I just slid into bed when the time came..:)