Friday, April 16, 2010

We'll Just Have to Cut Off Your Arm!

Writers Foundation Saturday writing prompt "Clarice was the kind of kid who picked out the soft insides of the bun.........."
......brought to mind a time many years ago when as a kid (grade four I think) I fell while skating (actually I was pushed down by one of the bigger boys) and broke my arm (for the second time). This resulting hospital stay would prove to be most memorable for me (not necessarily pleasantly so).
My arm needed to be set so I was put to sleep with ether; a horrible experience; rather like being suffocated as the mask was placed over your face so that you could breathe in that terrible gas. During the operation to set my arm I envisioned (a dream I guess or nightmare) myself on the operating table surrounded by nuns; their habits were white and covered with huge brightly colored dots. I tried desperately to get out from under this circle of nuns who hovered over me to no avail; I couldn't budge. I did finally wake and they then moved my into my room.
The following day rather unhappy & feeling sorry for myself, one of the nuns brought me my lunch tray on which there was a slice of bread. I don't remember what else I had to eat but I do remember the bread.....because.....I removed the crust & and was eating only the soft inside part. I never ate the crust from bread.
The doctor was making his rounds & stopped in to see me, taking note of the fact that I wasn't eating all of my slice of bread. Well he wasted very little time telling me that if I didn't start eating the crust from bread & I should happen to break my arm again, then they wouldn't be able to fix it; no sir they would just have to cut off my arm!
That is the honest to goodness truth & exactly what he said to me.
Can you imagine a doctor saying something like that to a kid? And after the nightmare with the nuns in spotted colored dresses; good grief!
But you know what? I have eaten the crust on bread every since. I love the crust & I would you fight for it now (especially home made bread).
I hope Clarice had occasion to realize the benefit of the outside part of the bun (assuming she ate the soft insides she was picking out) but of course in a much more gentle way than I learned to eat crust on bread.

1 comment:

Linda J said...

Prompts are great as they not only stir up the imagination but they bring back real live memories. Good story and its close relevance to the prompt in real life. That was some trip on ether, however, imagine polka-dotted nuns?!
