Friday, January 15, 2010

What is Your Opinion?

Some folk have an answer to that question no matter the topic, idea, how it is presented, and no matter the circumstance.
Do you have an opinion about the dish pictured here?
I could express an opinion about this dish because I know what the ingredients are, who made it, when I ate it, how it tasted etc. but could you express an opinion about this dish?
I recall some years back, John (my daughter's partner at that time) asked "Carla you can't have an opinion about everything can you?" Her reply "yes" and believe me she had an opinion about everything, and never hesitated to give it to you whether you asked for it or not. There was very seldom a time when I didn't know where I stood with my beautiful daughter Carla (now able to express her opinions in God's house) because she was always blunt, to the point and she was rarely stuck for an opinion. This is an area where her & I had a definite difference (of opinion).....I think 'when giving opinions (asked for or not) one should use some diplomacy in responding'. I know people who use endless words & countless minutes trying to express an opinion about something and in the end it has become so watered-down & convoluted the meaning is totally lost. Some place in between those two extremes there is a middle ground which is quite acceptable (my opinion of course).
However having said that, I still can't quite come up with an opinion about everything. There are some things I simply couldn't express an opinion about (without some research) except to say that I have no opinion.......but is that an opinion (to have no opinion)?.......sort of like to make no choice is to have made a choice.........hmmmmm not sure. What is your opinion???


Anonymous said...

The word itself produces conflict in that in its very own definition it implies not only one who states an opinion confidently but not backed with fact or finding yet goes on to confirm that an opinion given by an expert is backed by the knowledge needed to support it. Go figure! In my opinion, I think everyone could have something to say on everything based on this premise (that's my opinion... lol) Now onto the frying pan of food - although I could not base an opinion on the food specifically including taste (but that could be assumed) and smell (again could be assumed) or the event at which this dish was served (but could write a fictional story) I can comment on the display based on my artistic eye - it caught my attention because of the colors and the lay out/ design so I can therefore input my opinion that this picture would be very inviting on a magazine cover or a recipe card, in my opinion.

You asked :)

Twilla Boyce said...

Ahhhhh, the opinion. I recently but heads briefly with an individual in relation to the issue of opinions. Apparently, if one leans to the 'right' on an issue, it is taboo to voice any opinion at all because it is not the popular opinion. Well, I've never been popular - a fact for which I am grateful as the very lack of popularity has allowed me to develop substance that is often lacking in those who are very popular. Anyway...I would love to tuck into that lovely food once the frying pan was finished with it because I know I would really enjoy it. (My opinion stated as fact - one way - a blunt and direct way of delivery.)