Thursday, May 20, 2010

We Will Always Remember Where it is

"I'll put the key right here on the third shelf underneath the large red bowl beside the little blue bowl; no one will think to look here for it and that way we'll always remember where it is."......famous last words; that way we'll always remember where it is.
There is only this one tool (it is a special tool engineered specifically for this particular piece of equipment) that will remove the cover housing the space for the filter, so being able to locate it is imperative. So you say to your husband, partner, friend, associate, co-worker (whoever else is in cahoots with you to keep safe, this tool) "Let's put the wrench inside this little box (it just fits); we'll label the box 'wrench', place it in this shoebox along with all these other handy little gadgets and put the shoebox back on the top shelf in the closet of the spare bedroom; no one else will think to look there for it and that way we'll always remember where it is.".......those words again; that way we'll always remember where it is.
Now there are extra filters that came with this handy little piece of equipment we just purchased which need to be changed every so often. They aren't very big, must be stored in a dry place and of course we must remember where we put them so we can grab one when needed. OK you say to your husband, partner, friend, associate, co-worker (whoever else is in cahoots with you to keep safe, these filters) "Let's put them right up here on the top shelf of the pantry, right next to the purple whatchamacallit, beside the yellow domahickey; that way we will surely always remember where they are."........another time; that way we'll always remember where they are.
You need the key but can you remember where you put it? You need the wrench but do you recall where you placed it for safe keeping? Without the wrench you can't change the filer; the filter needs changing; can you remember where you put the even if you knew where the wrench was it wouldn't matter if you couldn't find the filters.
Hmmmmmmm what are the odds things like this ever happen to anyone else?
Why, when you put something away where you are sure you will remember and be able to find it, invariably you can't ever seem to remember where that safe place is located?

1 comment:

Linda J said...

dang it - I hate when I lose my thing-a-ma-jig because I decided it needed to be in a "safe" place! I try to cut down on the number of hiding places that something could possibly be in ... or just move enough times that finally you lose everything and it just doesn't matter anymore because you end up with two or more of them and then they are never safe, always in the way, and never forgotten again... :)

I am sure you are not alone but hope you find the little tool so you can change the filter!